Homemade Serum for skin care

We are always aware of the skin. Specially when using cosmetics, everyone wants to avoid fakes and choose real cosmetics. Almost all the shopping malls are closed at this time in Corona. Although some shops are open, many do not go out shopping.

In this situation, you can make the necessary cosmetic products yourself. You can make a homemade serum to keep the wrinkles-free-skin for a long time and to increase the radiance by reducing fatigue. Learn how to make homemade serum according to skin type:
For normal skin, pour half a cup of coffee powder in a glass jar and mix one cup of almond oil in it. Pour the oil in such a way that the whole coffee is covered in oil. Now close the mouth of the jar and leave it in a cool dry place for four-five days. 
After five days, open the mouth of the jar and strain the mixture into a container with a clean gauze cloth. Add one tablespoon of avocado oil to this, then shake well and mix with the coffee extract almond oil.

For dry skin, mix sandalwood and lavender essential oil to make a serum.

And for oily skin, take half a teaspoon of tea tree oil and peppermint oil.

Fill the prepared serum bottle. Before going to bed every night, first clean your face and apply toner. Then take one or two drops of serum and mix it lightly with your fingers.

If you use regular serum-

  • Quickly starts to work on the skin after use
  • Increases skin radiance
  • Goes deep into the skin and retains moisture
  • Holds youth, does not let the impression of age
  • Removes all types of stains.
